Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Elections and the Media

With another foreign election controversy, the media, here, is again suggesting or claiming that shenanigans are at play. The corporate media never misses an opportunity to talk or write about alleged unfair elections in other countries, which of course, only happens in other countries, especially countries that appear to be a little too independent for Uncle Sam's taste. The truth of the matter is that the truth about these foreign controversies is hard to get at.

What is really unbelievable is when the corporate media starts talking about the unfair press in other countries, such as when they don't cover certain candidates, usually the opposition candidates, and allegedly give all the attention to the party in power. Yet, the media does not seem to appreciate irony very well, because it is ironic for them to criticize subtly (or otherwise) the same acts in which they, themselves, are guilty of. The Seattle print media, by and large, never even printed the Party of Commons's chairman's (a candidate) name in their papers for the 2008 Secretary of State "Top 2" Primary. The television and radio media are worst, a backwater for democracy.

There is a lot of unfairness, here, and media companies and organizations sometimes could care less about democracy and fairness in the United States of America, but they do "care" about the far away foreign locales that they like to report about.

[Written on 6/15/09 and first posted on "Commoner" under the title, "The Sanctimonious Media."]

Copyright 2009, Party of Commons TM

Thursday, June 11, 2009


The Party of Commons has six divisions for our political party for which members of our party can be assigned to according to their political interests and specialties. The six divisions are as follows:

Division of Commons: Constitutional matters, state issues, legal rights, fairness issues, equality of people. - [Commoner]

Ecological Division: Environmental issues - [Evergreen]

Service Division: Educational, housing, health and general welfare issues. - [Coliseum]

Philosophical Division: Platform, ideas, and ethics & rules guidelines for the party. - [Platform/Manifesto]

Watch Division: Watchguard of the party. - [Contrarian]

Senate: General senate issues such as party elections, and national and international issues. - [Senator]

[revised on 10/30/09]

Copyright 2009, Party of Commons TM